Friday, 6 June 2014

Anonymous Browsing

04:21 By Unknown No comments

Every time you use the internet you are leaving a trail of breadcrumbs which anybody can follow, sometimes these trails can have a use, for instance Google use it to target local searches to you, or weather sites can automatically give you the weather in your area. However equally every other activity you are doing online can be tracked, what sites you visited how long you spent there, what you did while there. If you want to enjoy anonymous browsing on the internet and protect your identity you need to find a way to use the internet without leaving this trail all the way back to your computer. You may think that this data is not important, after all so many people are on the internet and most of them are running without protection.

As a lot of people are monitoring the user, so the need for anonymous browsing is rising, to enjoy anonymous browsing most people consider is Unblock Proxy Server, which is a server you connect through which hides your IP address and replaces it with its own. So your identity is hidden which allow you to browse the net freely without worrying about your privacy.
There are also paid options available to browse the internet more securely, you can use hide IP software to hide your IP address when you are accessing the web. It is more reliable then free proxy server but you have to pay a little money to use it.
As anonymous browsing is the becoming more and more popular now a day, more and more methods are being used to browse the web anonymously, but these two methods of proxy server (i.e. Facebook Proxy) and hide IP software are most used ones.

If you want to browse anonymously with proxy server I will suggest you to user Web Proxy for YouTube to access the internet.


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