Tuesday, 20 May 2014

How toward secrete the IP address our tools and behavior recognized

21:50 By Unknown 1 comment

The most popular and easy  way if you hide your IP address so you used a proxy server and you know what is the proxy server so the proxy server is the server to agent between your computer and internet so if you hide your IP address so your identity and your privacy is kept safe the Facebook proxy access websites and they hide your IP address so this proxies is available on the internet sites if you searched the proxy sites through this proxy can make blog and then you used on the web it came back to tackle and spamming.

So the YouTube proxy used on the web and they access websites if you IP address is been tracked so you simple click for the vote so this choose cannot be again if you used proxy sites so this task can be process it and they make a new activity implements on the network through the internet sites you have communicate with each other and you can gain all new information through internet sites the internet sites hide your IP address or your personal information if you used it and this proxies used many people at the time because this proxies is secure.

There for many and different type of the proxies is available and you used anonymous proxy so this proxy hide your identify the anonymous proxies is two type one is free proxy and other is paid proxy so this both proxy is worked same if you used you have access indirect websites through proxies sites in the school proxy is the best proxy and this proxies output is good you used proxies so this proxy identify TCP no so this no you can write in the URL so your TCP number is been hide so this proxies used many tools when the implements on the web.


  1. Proxy websites like YouTube proxy and various other like this one are the most secure and safe for the accessing of YouTube in pakistan as well as all over the world.
