Friday, 23 May 2014

Dramas in the Previous Stage

06:26 By Unknown No comments

These modern Pakistani dramas are not too much popular as these were few years ago. These previous dramas were mostly based on the cultural options and this was possible in all these dramas to learn many things related to the real life activities. But it does not mean that those previous dramas were made on cultural and real life activities, and then at the same way there was also many best options related to the real life activities. Such was the popularity of Pakistani dramas that people were addicted to these dramas and with the addition of cultural related contents; people were especially addicted to such dramas that available with cultural options for the dramas lovers.

But if you look on the current dramas broadcasting from different types of channels across the world, then you will realize that all these dramas are made mostly for fun and comedy. In fact almost all the new dramas presented by ARY digital dramas production and other production across the country. Now these dramas are not too much famous as these were few years back and in fact this is due to the reason of the vulagarity and many irrelevant stories that are added in Pakistani dramas in the current stage and which drown these Pakistani dramas in the industry. If you compare modern Pakistani dramas with those which was available in the previous stage then you will realize that previous dramas were more advance and were more useful for watching than modern.


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