Different Blackberry models include Blackberry Bold , Curve , Storm etc. Among them the Blackberry Bold 9000, Pearl 8110 and the Storm 9500 are quite popular for performing high class business works. The synchronization feature of Blackberry mobile phones, allows them to synchronize with any laptop or personal computer, without any hassle. The Blackberry mobiles include different sophisticated features like music player that supports various formats of music i.e. MP3, MP4, WMV and MPEG4 etc. , Viber app for Blackberry mobiles , WiFi , Bluetooth, GPRS, large display with touch screen, camera with high resolution power, internet access through a web browser, GPS navigation that permits users to find out different locations accurately and a lot more.
The Blackberry mobiles can be easily purchased from a market or by online shopping that can be done by surfing different mobile shopping portals and selecting the mobile that is in your acceptable range. Another plus point this mobile brand is that it offers free Blackberry mobile phone, free messages and cheap rates for calling that facilitates a common man, very much.
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