Wednesday 9 October 2013

Why Marketing is Important?

01:17 By Unknown No comments

The number of mobile subscribers is increasing day by day, according to the survey the subscribers of the mobile phones are now moving towards the smart phones because it is more convenient and more useful than the ordinary cell phones. Every mobile subscriber whether simple or smart phone subscriber used this tiny feature of SMS for different purposes and still using it. Marketers are using to Send Bulk SMS to the handheld devices of the mobile phone subscribers for the promotion and advertisement of their products to earn more revenue.

There are a lot of marketing strategies that are being used by the advertisers around the world like sending text messages, sending multimedia messages, voice calls, all these strategies are for marketing, as the marketing through cell phones is getting famous among the marketers due to its cost effective, fast and reliable properties of communication. It has been estimated that the average of five SMS per day has been used by every subscriber of cell phone. Marketing through cell phones can be used by small or big enterprise but it is often used by smaller companies.

SMS technology is getting boom all over the world that is why every business prefers this medium of marketing, the main reason of popularity of Local Mobile Marketing is that is campaigns started with this can be managed easily. The interface through which marketing messages are sending is so easy that there is no need to get training anyone can use this to send messages. The same interface is like sending an email message in which the contacts id and message body are written, same is the case with the interface of mobile marketing.


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