Thursday 26 September 2013

The Importance Of Colors For The Kids

02:23 By Unknown No comments


 If you think that babies can’t see then you are badly mistaken. A couple of years ago most people were of the view that babies are only capable of distinguishing black and white color. Hence they used to paint the newborn's room with black and white. The latest test studies show that this is not always true.

Today the trend has changed and lots of colorful Online Baby Games are now available in the market. This change owes to the fact that color is Color is the first characteristic, which children can distinguish. Many still believe that newborn children can only see the two colors. But in the period from six weeks to two months the situation undergoes radical changes. First children start to distinguish red color. Later they start to perceive other bright colors, and yellow among them.

Color preferences are closely connected with the gender. Numerous researches show that most little girls prefer pink, lavender or violet. Little boys like black and other dark colors more than girls. Hence keeping this in mind the parents are required to act accordingly. Some gifts are meant for all. For example, Free Puzzle Games but not all presents are adored by the children. Boys have different attractions as compared to the girls hence parents must keep this in mind and should give first preference to the colors when they buy any gift for their little girl or little boy.


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